
November 23, 2011

Fruit fly intestines could hold a vital clue to increasing human longevity

Fruit fly intestines could hold a vital clue to increasing human longevity:

'via Blog this'

There seems to be one surefire way to increase longevity in animals. It's caloric restriction, which means placing them on a near-starvation diet. We don't know if that could work on humans... but fruit flies might be able to give us the answer.

There's no reason to think that caloric restriction wouldn't work on humans, but it's not something that's easily tested. After all, an experiment designed to test the effectiveness of human caloric restriction would, by design, have to run at least a hundred years, and there are some thorny ethical questions about asking people to spend a century fasting if we're not even sure if they would get any longevity benefit out of it. And, of course, there's also the question of whether 150 years of caloric-restricted living is really better than 80 normal years.

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