
December 22, 2010

Idaho’s Researchers Developed Solar Cells Able to Gather Infrared Radiation | The info green global

Idaho’s Researchers Developed Solar Cells Able to Gather Infrared Radiation | The info green global
A new kind of solar cell that can produce electricity even at night was developed by the researchers from Idaho. They promised to create a new efficient form of renewable energy.

Steven Novack at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory said to UPI in Idaho Falls that the critical factor of this solar cell is their ability to gather infrared radiation and visible light. After the sun has gone down about half of the available energy in the spectrum of solar radiation is in the infrared band. The infrared band is re-emitted as heat by planet Earth’s surface, this means that the new solar cells can capture an amount of energy during the night he says.

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