
February 8, 2012

Vaccine study admits that PFCs and fluoride compounds suppress immune system

Vaccine study admits that PFCs and fluoride compounds suppress immune system:

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Though widely heralded for promoting immunity, vaccine recipients often receive the very diseases for which they were vaccinated. Pondering this conundrum, vaccine researchers have cleverly managed to identify factors independent of the vaccines themselves to account for the failure.

A just-published study from the Harvard School of Public Health focused on the potential for environmental pollution to inhibit vaccine efficacy. While previous research has hinted at the possibility for these toxins reducing vaccine immunity (the long-maligned PCBs a frequent culprit), this study focused on PFCs. Their results produced a startling admission.

Six-hundred children living on the Faroe Islands had their blood PFC levels measured, then their reactions to tetanus and diphtheria vaccines tested. Children with the highest PFC levels had a 50% lower vaccine reaction. In other words, the immune response was halved for children with a high but nonetheless naturally occurring level of PFC toxicity. That is huge.

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