
November 1, 2011

Mozart's Lost Opus, A Little Colonoscopy Music

Mozart's Lost Opus, A Little Colonoscopy Music - Yahoo! News:

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It probably wasn't what Amadeus intended. Doctors performing colonoscopies might be able to find and remove more polyps if they are listening to Mozart during the procedure. These polyps are tiny growths that can lead to colon cancer.

The study will be presented today (Oct. 31) at the American College of Gastroenterology annual meeting in Washington.

And there is indeed a logical connection here, should you be worried that these gastroenterologists next will be subjected to listening to the Beastie Boys while maneuvering their colonoscopes. The study is based on a credible theory called the Mozart effect. Mozart's music may temporarily improve a person's ability to visualize spatial patterns, a phenomenon first reported in the journal Nature in 1993.

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